URLR allows you to shorten, store and analyze links easily, from one place.
Manage links in the dashboard, view statistics and generate QR code. All for free.
Find all your links in one place. The dashboard allows you to manage and modify your links over time (destination URL, parameters, ...).
Measure the success of your campaigns by tracking your link visit statistics. Find the number of clicks, unique clicks, countries of users.
Share your short link as a QR Code to make it easier to find.
Sign up for a risk-free 14 days trial to get full access to all the pro features.
Protect access to your link with a password to limit access to a resource.
You have the possibility to give an expiration date to your short link in order to limit your campaign in time.
Customize the domain used to generate your short links. Turn urlr.me into yourdomain.com and improve your branding.
Give your team members access to link management to facilitate communication and organization within your company.
Organize your short links by creating folders for each operation and take advantage of the related features (CSV export, ...).
Export your links and their statistics in CSV format so that you can process this data in the way that suits you.
Do you want to integrate URL reduction directly into your application? This is possible using our API specifically built for this need.